CEIBS Global EMBA Online Sharing Sessions

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How can Managers in China Win the High-Tech Race? Insights from Silicon Valley and Germany

Chinese high-tech companies are racing to become global leaders in key technologies, ranging from fifth generation wireless networks and artificial intelligence (AI) to automated factories and autonomous driving. Beijing’s commitment to spend more than one trillion dollars on key technologies over the next five years has energised this frenzied race.

Money helps, but it’s not everything. The structure of the innovation ecosystem in which the company is located is also, if not more, critical. There are two main types – those which promote disruptive innovations, like Silicon Valley, and those which encourage incremental innovations, as in Germany.

As managers in China rush to transform their high-tech start-ups into global tech leaders, where should they look for inspiration? Silicon Valley stars such as Google and Apple or Germany’s Mittelstand (small and medium-sized firms) champions, such as Bausch + Ströbel? The answer may surprise you. We will explore this along with much more in this exclusive webinar.


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