
  • Can I pay the tuition fee in instalments? Is there any financial aid available? Can I apply for a bank loan?
  • How do I reapply for your Global EMBA programme?
  • Do I need an organisational sponsorship to enrol?
  • What is the admission test, the Executive Assessment, actually like?
  • Is there any advantage to applying early?
  • How much weight does the interview carry in the overall selection process?
  • I have many years of work experience; can I apply for a waiver for the admission test?
  • How can I prepare for the Executive Assessment?
  • Who should write my recommendations?
  • I only have an associate degree. Am I eligible to apply for the Global EMBA?
  • When does the Global EMBA programme start? When should I apply?
  • What are the application qualifications and admission processes?

Programme Introduction

  • Does the Global EMBA have a requirement to write a thesis?
  • Is the CEIBS Global EMBA degree recognised by the Chinese educational system?
  • When was the CEIBS Global EMBA programme launched?
  • What sets CEIBS' Global EMBA programme apart from other EMBA programmes in China?
  • How does CEIBS differ from other business schools?
  • What's the difference between Global EMBA and MBA?